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Guillermo Calvo:



Title: $name

Author: Carlos A. Végh Gramont ; Ratna Sahay ; Guillermo Calvo

Series: Working Papers

Date: January 1, 0001

Subject: Bulgaria Capital account Czech Republic Hungary Poland Slovak Republic


Title: Capital Flows in Central and Eastern Europe: Evidence and Policy Options

Author: Végh Gramont, A. Carlos ; Sahay, Ratna ; Calvo, Guillermo

Series: Working Paper No. 1995/057

Date: June 1, 1995

Notes: Prepared for a seminar on "Western Europe in Transition: The Impact of Opening Up of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union," organized by the Bank of Italy, Austrian National Bank, and the IMF held in Trieste, October 10-11, 1994.

Subject: Balance of payments Capital account Capital flows Capital inflows External debt Foreign exchange Real exchange rates


Title: Trade Reforms of Uncertain Duration and Real Uncertainty: A First Approximation

Author: Calvo, Guillermo ; Mendoza, G. Enrique

Series: Working Paper No. 1994/045

Date: April 1, 1994

Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 41, No. 4, December 1994.

Subject: Business cycles Consumption Economic growth International trade National accounts Tariffs Taxes Terms of trade Trade liberalization

Title: Money Demand, Bank Credit, and Economic Performance in Former Socialist Economies

Author: Kumar, S. Manmohan ; Calvo, Guillermo

Series: Working Paper No. 1994/003

Date: January 1, 1994

Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 41, No. 2, June 1994.

Subject: Bank credit Banking Commercial banks Credit Demand for money Financial institutions Inflation Money Prices


Title: The Capital Inflows Problem: Concepts and Issues

Author: Reinhart, Carmen ; Leiderman, Leonardo ; Calvo, Guillermo

Series: Policy Discussion Paper No. 1993/010

Date: August 1, 1993

Notes: Study based on data from ten Latin American countries and eight Asian countries.

Subject: Balance of payments Capital account Capital flows Capital inflows Central banks Foreign exchange International reserves Real exchange rates

Title: Financial Sector Reforms and Exchange Arrangements in Eastern Europe

Author: Calvo, Guillermo ; Borensztein, Eduardo ; Masson, R Paul ; Kumar, S. Manmohan

Series: Occasional Paper No. 1993/002

Date: February 15, 1993

Notes: Part I. Financial Markets and Intermediation, by Guillermo A Calvo and Manmohan S Kumar; Part II. Exchange Arrangements of Previously Centrally Planned Economies, by Eduardo Borensztein and Paul R Masson.

Subject: Banking Commercial banks Credit Currencies Exchange rate arrangements Exchange rates Financial institutions Financial markets Foreign exchange Money Stock markets

Title: Inflation Stabilization and Nominal Anchors

Author: Calvo, Guillermo ; Végh Gramont, A. Carlos

Series: Policy Discussion Paper No. 1992/004

Date: January 1, 1993

Notes: Analyzes the choice of a nominal anchor in disinflation programs in chronic inflation countries.

Subject: Monetary policy Political economy

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